Thursday, July 9, 2009

Slate Roofing Contractors Assocation 2009 Conference

Last week we attended the 2009 Slate Roofing Contractors Assocation Conference in Frankfort, Kentucky. This year it was held in conjunction with the Preservation Trades Network and the Timberframer's Guild. As always, the event was educational, inspiring and fun.

(Image courtesy of Joe Jenkins)

Our very own John Chan gave a presentation on Wednesday featuring some of our latest and greatest slate roofing jobs. Surrounding ourselves with peers at events like this is a great, interactive way to keep up with the industry. We look forward to next year's conference already.


Joe Jenkins said...

Thanks for coming to the conference John and Gary! You both added a lot to the gathering.

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by Joe.

I'm sure most of the readers are familiar with your work but if not - I encourage you all to visit his site at for more excellent resources on slate roofing.